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Mérida, Yucatán 

HPV warts

HPV warts

The Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. It is estimated that by the age of 50, 80% of the population will have the virus.

There are more than 100 serotypes and some can cause genital warts.

These lesions are highly contagious and tend to destroy the tissue beneath where they grow, so timely treatment is of the utmost importance.

What treatments are there for warts?

There are various methods to remove warts, in women creams or liquid nitrogen are very common, however, in men the most effective method is electrofulguration since it only works on the lesion without injuring the surrounding healthy tissue, it is fast and allows return to normal activities the same day.

At Prostasur Mérida, urologists use equipment imported from the United States that evaporates warts in a matter of seconds.

Can I get the HPV vaccine?

Although in the health sector it is indicated for women and the ideal benefit is in patients between 11-12 years of age because they have not been exposed to the virus, the vaccine offers an additional benefit by strengthening the immune system regardless of age.

3 doses are required for a complete scheme.

In Prostasur Mérida we apply the vaccine, in case you are interested contact us to schedule you.

PROSTASUR branches


Calle 32 #198 x 17 y 21 Col. García Ginerés. A 100 metros del hospital Juárez.


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