Robotic surgery
This technology is the most advanced in the world for the treatment of prostate cancer, the surgeon sits at a control panel in the operating room and moves the robotic arms to operate through several small incisions in the patient’s abdomen.
Robotic prostatectomy has advantages over the open approach in terms of less pain, blood loss, and recovery time. Due to its 3D vision and the 180-degree movements that robotic arms allow, a better technique is possible to avoid urinary incontinence and reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.
The most important factor in the success of any type of laparoscopic surgery is the experience and skill of the surgeon.
At Prostasur Mérida, the urologist who performs the procedure is highly specialized in robotic surgery at the UNAM, has training in prostate cancer in England and France, and is certified as a robotic surgeon in the United States.
We take care of the prostate at PROSTASUR.