☎️ Emergencies: 9992 79 02 01

☎️ Appointments: 9995 14 31 65

✉️ Mail: info@prostasur.mx

Mérida, Yucatán 


Prostate cancer is a major health concern for many men around the world.

Early detection and diagnosis:

Early detection is essential for the successful management of prostate cancer. The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) blood test can help identify potential problems and guide the doctor to the proper diagnosis. It’s important to talk to your doctor about when and how to perform these tests, especially if you have additional risk factors.

If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it’s normal to feel worried and confused. It is essential to have an open and honest conversation with your urologist to fully understand the stage of the cancer, the degree of aggressiveness, and the treatment options available. Remember that you are in control of your health and you have the right to seek a second opinion if you consider it necessary.

Treatment Options:

Treatment options for prostate cancer can vary depending on the stage and extent of the disease. Some common options include:

Active surveillance: If your prostate cancer is low risk and shows no signs of progression, your doctor may recommend active surveillance, which involves regular monitoring without immediate intervention.
Surgery: Radical prostatectomy is a surgical option that involves the removal of the prostate and sometimes the surrounding tissues.
Radiation therapy: Both external radiation therapy and brachytherapy are methods used to destroy cancer cells.
Hormone therapy: Hormone therapy may be used to block or reduce levels of male hormones, such as testosterone, which can stimulate the growth of prostate cancer.

Personal care and emotional support:

Prostate cancer can have a significant emotional impact. It is important to take care of yourself and seek emotional support throughout the process. Here are some recommendations:
Maintain open communication with your loved ones, friends, and doctor.
Find support groups or online communities to connect with others going through similar experiences.
Prioritize your physical and mental well-being through healthy eating, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, such as meditation.

If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, remember that you are not alone. At Prostasur Mérida, we have certified urologists and experts in minimally invasive surgery such as laparoscopic surgery and robotic surgery for prostate cancer. Remember that your health and well-being are paramount, and we will be here to provide you with information and support throughout your journey to recovery.

The prostate is cared for at Prostasur, a urology clinic for men.



Calle 32 #198 x 17 y 21 Col. García Ginerés. A 100 metros del hospital Juárez.




Emergencies: 9992 79 02 01​

Schedule an appointment: 9995 14 31 65

WhatsApp: 9995 14 31 65

Email: info@prostasur.mx

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