☎️ Emergencies: 9992 79 02 01

☎️ Appointments: 9995 14 31 65

✉️ Mail: info@prostasur.mx

Mérida, Yucatán 



A prostate biopsy involves the use of a very fine needle to take small tissue samples from the prostate in order to diagnose or rule out prostate cancer. A biopsy is usually required if a significant elevation of prostate antigen is found or if there is a suspicious digital rectal examination. This tissue in Prostasur is examined by a pathologist highly specialized in oncological pathology with the use of special microscopes to detect cancer and, if this is the case, will report aggressiveness and areas where the tumor was detected.


To this day in the world it is the only way to know if you have cancer within the prostate.
It helps to know the aggressiveness of cancer; and the probability of spread.
It can detect cancer at an early stage, and thus timely curative treatment can be provided.
Allow your urologist to determine the best treatment for you.

Ultrasound Guided Biopsy

You will lie on your side on an exam table, with your knees drawn up toward your chest. Prior to the procedure, which takes less than 20 minutes, you will receive sedation by the Prostasur anesthesiologist highly specialized in regional anesthesia in order to avoid pain and discomfort, local anesthesia is additionally applied to numb the area around the prostate and reduce any inconvenience. Then, the highly specialized urologist from Prostasur will place a needle next to the probe and through the vision of the probe which projects the image of the prostate on the monitor, the probe is carefully inserted through the rectum, always visualizing by ultrasound. and the samples of the prostate are taken, which are generally 12 shots, there are 6 for each lobe of the prostate.

After the procedure

Your doctor will recommend that you only do light activities for 24 to 48 hours after your prostate biopsy.

It is important to continue with antibiotic for a few days after the procedure. You could also:

Having slight pain or small bleeding from the rectum in the first bowel movements.
Having a little blood in your urine the first few times you urinate.


Your pathology report in Prostasur includes the following:

Broad description of the sample. Evaluate the color and consistency of the prostate tissue, sample size, report locations.
Description of the cells. Your pathology report will describe what the cells look like under a microscope. The terms used to describe these noncancerous disorders are “prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia” and “atypical small acinar proliferation.”
Reporting and classification of cancer. If cancer is detected, it is classified using a scale called the “Gleason score.” The Gleason score combines two numbers and can range from 2 (non-aggressive cancer) to 10 (very aggressive cancer), although the lower part of the range is not used as often. Most Gleason scores used to evaluate prostate biopsy samples range from 6 to 10. A score of 6 indicates low-grade prostate cancer. A score of 7 indicates medium grade prostate cancer. Scores of 8 to 10 indicate high-grade cancers.

At Prostasur we specialize in prostate conditions at the hands of specialists with postgraduate degrees in their respective areas, which provides greater security.

PROSTASUR branches


Calle 32 #198 x 17 y 21 Col. García Ginerés. A 100 metros del hospital Juárez.


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